Gut Cleanse, Detox, Prebiotics, Fibre, Fiber, Probiotics, Weight Loss, Weight Control, Belly Fat, IBS, Colon Cleanse, Klean, Nourish, Revive, Keto, Fat Burner, Vegan, Halal, No Carb, Low Calorie, Diet, Supplement, Nutritionist
Gut Cleanse, Detox, Prebiotics, Fibre, Fiber, Probiotics, Weight Loss, Weight Control, Belly Fat, IBS, Colon Cleanse, Klean, Nourish, Revive, Keto, Fat Burner, Vegan, Halal, No Carb, Low Calorie, Diet, Supplement, Nutritionist


Perrenial Seaweed extract is known for promoting weight-loss and supporting a healthy endocrine system and a properly functioning thyroid gland. This sea vegetable is rich in minerals and vitamins! It is also rich in Fucans and Fucoidans, giving it additional anti-inflammatory, immune supporting and gut microbiome supporting properties. It can be used for constipation, diarrhoea, gastritis, GID, hypothyroidism, indigestion, and heart burn
Gut Cleanse, Detox, Prebiotics, Fibre, Fiber, Probiotics, Weight Loss, Weight Control, Belly Fat, IBS, Colon Cleanse, Klean, Nourish, Revive, Keto, Fat Burner, Vegan, Halal, No Carb, Low Calorie, Diet, Supplement, Nutritionist

Burdock Root

Burdock plant can be found growing naturally across the world. It is rich in minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants, and is believed to help prevent and treat cancers, combat colds and flu, improve liver health, ease aches and pains, anti-inflammatory, reduce blood pressure, eliminate water retention and bloating and improve hair and skin health. This root is well known for being a diuretic which aids in digestion and cleanses your blood in Chinese medicine.
Gut Cleanse, Detox, Prebiotics, Fibre, Fiber, Probiotics, Weight Loss, Weight Control, Belly Fat, IBS, Colon Cleanse, Klean, Nourish, Revive, Keto, Fat Burner, Vegan, Halal, No Carb, Low Calorie, Diet, Supplement, Nutritionist

Dandelion Root

Dandelion is cherished in traditional medicines for its roots tremendous health and healing properties. They are highly nutritious and exhibit anti-inflammatory benefits throughout your body, especially in your stomach and liver. Dandelion roots have been called blood-purifiers, laxative agents, liver cleansers and fatigue fighters. Overall it has been used for a range of digestive and organ disorders, diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as skin conditions such as eczema and acne.
Gut Cleanse, Detox, Prebiotics, Fibre, Fiber, Probiotics, Weight Loss, Weight Control, Belly Fat, IBS, Colon Cleanse, Klean, Nourish, Revive, Keto, Fat Burner, Vegan, Halal, No Carb, Low Calorie, Diet, Supplement, Nutritionist

Green Tea Extract

Green tea has many benefits besides its energizing caffeine content. It is rich in polyphenols which are potent antioxidants credited for promoting a healthy functioning heart, liver, brain and skin, while promoting weight loss and helping to prevent certain cancers. The antioxidant properties in Green tea polyphenols have shown to combat mental decline and brain diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons and dementia. It increases your metabolism and helps increase the rate at which your body burns calories by thermogenesis.
Gut Cleanse, Detox, Prebiotics, Fibre, Fiber, Probiotics, Weight Loss, Weight Control, Belly Fat, IBS, Colon Cleanse, Klean, Nourish, Revive, Keto, Fat Burner, Vegan, Halal, No Carb, Low Calorie, Diet, Supplement, Nutritionist

Slippery Elm

The Native Americans were big advocates for the medicinal use of this plant for treatments such as: coughs, sore throats, diarrhoea and stomach problems. Slippery elm is rich in mucilage, minerals and vitamins. This herb packs a powerful immunity boost and aids in the healing of digestive distress as well as possesses anxiolytic and calming effects. It is well known to help with constipation and digestive disorders, soothe sore throats and supporting the bladder.
Gut Cleanse, Detox, Prebiotics, Fibre, Fiber, Probiotics, Weight Loss, Weight Control, Belly Fat, IBS, Colon Cleanse, Klean, Nourish, Revive, Keto, Fat Burner, Vegan, Halal, No Carb, Low Calorie, Diet, Supplement, Nutritionist

Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate is a traditional South American beverage and common ingredient in healthy energy drinks and herbal tea infusions. This caffeine containing is also rich in powerful phytocompounds that increase energy, boost mental focus and cognition, reduce fatigue and depression, accelerate weight loss and enhance sports performance. Amongst its beneficial phytocompounds are xanthines, caffeoyl derivatives, saponins and polyphenols. It has shown to improve symptoms and severity of kidney stones as well as Urinary tract infections.
Gut Cleanse, Detox, Prebiotics, Fibre, Fiber, Probiotics, Weight Loss, Weight Control, Belly Fat, IBS, Colon Cleanse, Klean, Nourish, Revive, Keto, Fat Burner, Vegan, Halal, No Carb, Low Calorie, Diet, Supplement, Nutritionist

Aloe Ferox

Aloe ferox, commonly known as Cape Aloe or Bitter Aloe, is a tall single stemmed succulent that is native to South Africa which has been used for millennia in a number of traditional medicines and remedies. These plants are rich in amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, minerals and anti-oxidants such as Aloin, as well as an array of natural phytohormones which have anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and cell repairing properties. It helps repair your digestive tract cells and reduce inflammation, and has also been proven to boost bowel movements and combat constipation.