5 Most Loved Botanical Medicines

Botanical medicine, also known as herbal medicine, is the science and practice of using medicinal plants and extracts to improve overall health, support wellness, and treat diseases. Herbal medicine was once termed primitive by western medicine but through scientific investigations, there is a better understanding of its therapeutic activities meaning that many pharmaceuticals have been modeled on phytochemicals derived from it. Thus, many conventional pharmaceutical drugs are derived from plants.

Some of the more common and loved Botanical Medicines

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For thousands of years, chamomile has been used as a remedy for:
✿ Nausea 
✿ Diarrhea
✿ Constipation
✿ Stomach pain
✿ Urinary tract infections
✿ Wounds
✿ Upper respiratory infections 
✿ Treats diarrhea, cramping associated with PMS
✿ Pain and inflammation linked to osteoarthritis


Ginger is a commonly used food and drinks additive better known for its incredible immune-boosting and anti-microbial properties. Additionally, it has proven effective for alleviating symptoms associated with:
✿ Menstrual pains
✿ Nausea and vomiting
✿ Osteoarthritis
✿ Allergies
✿ Cold and Flu
✿ Indigestion
✿ Diabetes
✿ High blood pressure
✿ Obesity and bowel diseases
✿ Inflammation

Green Tea Extract

The potent antioxidants in Green Tea Extract are credited for:
✿ Promoting a healthy functioning heart, liver, brain and skin
✿ Promoting weight loss 
✿ Helping to prevent certain cancers
✿ Combating mental decline and brain diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons and Dementia
✿ Lowering blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol 
✿ Boosting your overall immune system

Dandelion Root

Dandelion, on top of producing beautiful flowers, is cherished in traditional medicines for its root’s tremendous health and healing properties. They are highly nutritious and exhibit: 
Anti-inflammatory benefits throughout your body, especially in your stomach and liver
Laxative agents
Liver cleansing
Fatigue fighting
Healing skin conditions such as eczema and acne


Cinnamon has been well classified in scientific literature for its benefits and is widely used across traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines for a number of health benefits such as:
Alleviating symptoms associated with Diabetes and sensitivity to insulin
Combats infections
Lowers LDL cholesterol and blood sugar levels
Boost immunity
Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic
Manage PCOS
Soothes sore throats
Supports healthy heart function
Cinnamon is also a powerful metabolic stimulant that boosts digestion
Some natural remedies may be more affordable and accessible than conventional medicines, and many people prefer using them because they align with their personal health ideologies.Another important factor to consider is that herbal medicines are not strictly regulated like other medications. That’s why Klean uses the best quality, natural and locally sourced ingredients. 
Klean uses the most incredible Botanical Medicines in our Klean Powder, Revive Capsules and Nourish Capsules. To read more about these ingredients and their benefits, click here. Try the 3-step Kleanse Kit and let your body heal, naturally.